V40 Copious Kasai

Vacancy soon 2025/5/1Women-only
1 year fixed-term contract

Furniture and bedding in the photo do not necessarily coorespond to the actual setting in the room when you move in.

【Female Only】Popular Tokyo Metro Tozai Line!

■6 min. walk from Kasai station (Tokyo Metro Tozai Line). Kasai station takes you to Otemachi in 17 min and Takadanobaba in 32 min. without transfers!

【Female only】※Please note that the room may become unisex in the future.
【Property Description】
■21 rooms in total. Each room is lockable with a key!
■Other than the private rooms, all areas are shared. The shared facilities are provided for free.
■The shared areas are cleaned once a week, including the toilets, shower rooms, and kitchen area. Please note that there is no air conditioner in each room (it's shared with all of the rooms).
■It's located in a very convenient neighborhood.  There're some convenience stores and restaurants around the stations.
【Language support】
■Our company provides multi-language support in English, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.

Rent Single room 40,000yen Women-only
Type of contract 1 year fixed-term contract
Common service fee 15,000yen
System fee 1,100 yen (Including tax) ※No pro-rated calculation
Administrative fee 30,000 JPY (tax included)
Key money / Deposit 0month / 0month
Cancellation fee 16,500 JPY (tax included)
Contract renewal fee 11,000 JPY (tax included)
Nearest station 6 minutes walk to Tokyo Metro Tozai Line Kasai station
Number of rooms 21 rooms in total
Shared facilities kitchenKitchen ToiletToilet ShowerShower SaucepanSaucepan Frying panFrying pan KitchenwareKitchenware MicrowaveMicrowave ToasterToaster Rice cookerRice cooker KettleKettle Washing machineWashing machine HairdryerHairdryer Living/Dining roomLiving/Dining roomCollective mailboxCollective mailbox
Room facilities BedBed DeskDesk ChairChair Air conditionerAir conditioner Lighting equipmentLighting equipment CurtainCurtain Wi-FiWi-Fi Desk lampDesk lamp Clothes rackClothes rack StorageStorage BeddingBedding RefrigeratorRefrigerator
Street address 5-chome, Higashikasai, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo
*Details cannot be posted for security reasons.
Remarks ●There is an examination to judge your eligibility.
●Age limit: 18-39 years old.
●Utility fee includes: gas, water, electricity, daily consumables, maintenance charge
V40 Copious Kasai間取り図

(If there is a difference between the drawing and the current status, the current status will be given priority.)